Go straight down to my list of Dog Obedience Training Commands
What Is Dog Training For Obedience Purposes?
I, like most of us dog owners believe that dog training for obedience is an
essential ingredient in any healthy human-dog relationship. But what

exactly is dog obedience training, and why is it so important for you and your dog?
Obedience training is a general term which can be achieved through the many various dog training techniques (dog whispering, clicker training, positive reinforcement, marker training, collar and leash, reward training etc.). Regardless of which training technique you choose to employ or which dog training schools you frequent, this is what proper dog obedience training should accomplish:
- Build or strengthen a close, healthy and appropriate relationship between you and your dog.
- Opens up a clear line of communication between you and your dog. This includes you knowing what to expect of your dog in all circumstances, and your dog clearly understanding and respecting what is expected of him/her.
- Dog Training for Obedience lays down a set of rules or boundaries which educates your dog to become a responsible member of society. Including how to relate to other dogs, animals and people, basic manners and how to behave in any situation.
- Establishes the groundwork which assists in preventing the development of unacceptable problem behavior - such as jumping up, barking, chewing, digging etc.
The Benefits Of Dog Training For Obedience
Dog training for obedience is the
very best thing you can do for the relationship you enjoy with your dog, this is why:
- Basic obedience training makes life simple to your dog and eliminates confusion. Your dog will know his place in the world and understand right from wrong. Dogs seem to really appreciate and thrive on this black and white view of the world.
- Fun and rewarding for both you and your dog - for me, this is what it's all about!
- You'll have a happy, relaxed and confident dog who you can take anywhere and will be a pleasure to be around.
Greater freedom can also be extended to your dog, as he'll be more trustworthy when obedience trained.
- An obedience trained puppy or dog is a much safer dog. If your dog dashes out the front door you will still have voice control over him. You will be able to call on one of your obedience training commands such as "come" "down", "sit" or "go to your spot". This is very reassuring for any dog lover.
- You gain trust and mutual respect with your dog. He understands what is expected of him and knows that you will always be fair and consistent with this.
- When your dog is trained in obedience he will be fine around family, friends and kids under supervision.
- Dog obedience training fulfills some crucial needs in your dog's life including exercise, mental stimulation, spending time with you and providing your dog with a "job".
- Dog training for obedience greatly reduces the risk of being locked in a dominance struggle with your dog. You'll be his strong and always fair leader, who he'll respect and look to for guidance.
- Obedience training is a step by step process which you build upon over time. It creates a solid foundation for your dog to learn additional skills and training commands. Throughout this process your dog will be gaining confidence along the way.
The Danger In Not Giving
Dog Training For Obedience
- It's an unfortunate reality that untrained dogs are the major cause for puppies and dogs ending up in animal shelters all over the world. This is good for nobody, especially the poor dogs.
- Your dog can't ever be really close with you and your family. By this I mean that your dog won't be involved in family outings, instead spending much of his time alone in the yard. This can bring on numerous behavioral problems and can be a real pest for you, and even your neighbours.
- Your dog will be more unsafe around people, other animals and on the roads.
- It is a common trait for untrained dogs to challenge your leadership or authority. Obedience trained dogs will also try to test you out in this manner. But when you are proficient in obedience training you'll have the tools to deal with it.
- Constantly (but not effectively) your dog will be yelled at and pushed further away from his pack (you and your family). This is no way for you and your dog to live, and is totally avoidable with some simple obedience training.
General Rules For Effective
Dog Obedience Training
You'll find
proven training techniques for specific obedience commands by selecting from the list below. These are some general tips to keep in mind that hold true in any dog training for obedience situation:
- Praise and reward your dog when he does what you ask of him, give an appropriate correction when he doesn't do what he has been taught to do. The key is to find the right balance for your dog.
- Don't expect your dog to just know this stuff straight away. Repetition of the command and the action is crucial. Believe in what you are doing and stick to it.
- Always be consistent (this includes everybody who lives with your dog), make it easy for your dog. Give him a simple decision to make and make it clear to him which choice is acceptable and which choice is unacceptable - provide instant feedback.
- Never correct or punish your dog for not doing something he has not been properly taught to do - be realistic and fair.
- Make your training sessions short, sharp and fun - for you and your dog. This is where many dog training schools fall down.
- Take it slow, master one easy command to start with then move on and build upon it. Continue to mentally challenge and stimulate your dog throughout the training process.
- You're the best person to perform these tasks with your dog. Your dog has to live with you, you are his pack and you must be the person he looks to for leadership and who he respects.
- Test or proof the obedience commands in different situations, places and with added distractions.
- Incorporate obedience training into your daily routine - your dog could perform a "sit" before you give him his dinner, or a "down stay" when you go get the mail.
- Never try to correct your dog if you don't catch him in the act of doing wrong, timing your correction is all important. A late correction only confuses your dog and doesn't make any sense to him.
- Find out what motivates your dog, this will be an important tool in your training sessions. My dogs love cheese, liver treats and a throw of the ball.
- Work with the natural drives and instincts of your dog - this is explained further within the articles below.
If you can't get to any dog training schools and are looking to gain a greater appreciation of how your dog thinks, solve behavioral problems and teach obedience commands I recommend this home based Dog Obedience Training Package.
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