Yorkshire Terriers are fantastic little companion dogs. The numerous desirable qualities and adaptability of the Yorkie have seen it become one of the most popular of all dog breeds worldwide - and for good reason.
Yorkshire Terriers are a magnificent blend of high energy, cheeky terrier personality and affectionate, loving toy dog. Yorkie owners will tell you that they often switch between the two extremes in the blink of an eye!
When given proper puppy socialization and Yorkie training they are a wonderful addition to any dog loving household.
Information on how the Yorkie was developed is a bit sketchy but it is most likely that many breeds were crossed in the process. Breeds such as the Skye Terrier, Waterside Terrier, Maltese, Paisley Terrier, Clydesdale Terrier, Welsh Terrier and The Old English Black and Tan are thought to have been used. The name "Yorkshire Terrier" was attached to the breed in 1870 - and has continued to grow in popularity ever since.
For many people the most outstanding feature of the Yorkie is their beautiful soft silky coat. Yorkshire Terrier puppies start out with a black and tan coat which soon develops into a brilliant flowing steely blue. Another bonus is that this coat sheds very little, but does require regular grooming and brushing to keep it in prime condition. If you or any of your family members suffer from any dog related allergies then a Yorkie could be a good choice for you.
For the most part Yorkies are bubbly, outgoing and gregarious - they have a typical terrier like temperament and personality. They forge a strong bond with their human family.
Yorkies are ever alert and can be a bit territorial. For this reason they make excellent little watchdogs who will sound the alarm at the slightest disturbance. They possess a surprisingly loud bark for such a small package!
Unfortunately there are many Yorkshire Terrier rescue facilities kept busy because people encounter problems (which are preventable) with their Yorkies. The two biggest issues seem to be trouble controlling excessive barking and also difficulties with Yorkie potty training. With some guidance and training these issues can be managed effectively.
Yorkies do become very closely attached to their human family members. It is great for us to share such a strong bond, but can develop into a problem if separation anxiety occurs when we're away from home. I have written an article discussing some techniques you can use to minimize this problem - Separation Anxiety.
It's important to note that buying your Yorkie from a reputable Yorkshire Terrier breeder can save you much heartache in the future. Doing so will give you the best chance of bringing a physically and mentally sound puppy into your household - and hopefully a lifelong friend.
Your puppy's breeder or Veterinarian can help you with more specific health advice but below are a few potential problems that you should at least be aware of:
You'll find that your Yorkie has no trouble learning proper household etiquette and all the basic obedience training commands. Tasks such as sit, down, stay, come and fetch are all enthusiastically taken to by Yorkies.
Now lets clear one thing up. You've no doubt read and heard plenty of statements like "Yorkshire Terrier Potty Training is impossible!" or "House Training a Yorkshire Terrier Puppy can't be done!" - this is untrue. Granted, Yorkies can be difficult to potty train but far from impossible. If you follow a proven house training schedule (there's one in the training system below), and stick with it, you will achieve the desired result.
If you plan to train your Yorkie at home I'd recommend you follow this comprehensive Yorkshire Terrier training system. It covers everything you need to properly care for and train your Yorkie, including - puppy selection, socialization, house training, crate training, preventing problem behaviors and all the obedience commands. Plus it outlines the right foods to feed your Yorkie for optimum health and longevity - it's basically a huge community of dog lovers!
Be aware that when you see breeders advertising "Teacup Yorkie Puppy For Sale" or "Miniature Yorkshire Terriers" these are all the same breed. These breeders have just concentrated on producing a smaller version of this great breed.
Please consult the services of a Professional Dog Trainer, Behaviorist or Veterinarian before implementing any of the advice contained on this site.